Thursday, June 21, 2007

28 weeks--a comparison

Okay so get ready for some pregnant pics...

Here is me when I was 28 weeks pregnant

with Quade(2005) on the left & with Price(2007) on the right:

Some points of comparison:

1) hair is longer
2) belly is BIGGER!!!

Let's all pray now that Price is not bigger than Quade was (9lb 8oz)!


Jamie said...

You are just beautiful and stunning....

and what's this?! a name!!! Price!! Somehow missed that announcement. Great name, love it!

Christina said...

i love the comparison!

Erin said...

Heather - you crack me up! You know, everything is looser this time around...

Erin said...

Also, why were you wearing a track suit in May/June??? I love that you made everything the same in both pics!

Cathy said...

Wow! How great to see you at the same stage of development. You look so great. Price does look bigger. If he is as great as Quade, we will be thrilled! I will pray he isn't bigger than Quade.