Monday, June 23, 2008

Farewell Bubba

It's official. Quade has been bubba-free (aka pacifier-free) for a week! He was only using it while in bed, at school (to prevent biting), and when he was really, really sad. But he still really loved his bubba.
From a speech-language pathologist perspective he should have been rid of this nasty thing a year ago. however, when i was about to have Price i admit that i needed him to have his "bubba" to make my life easier. The real deadline for me was his 3rd bday.
We finally decided that we were ready for whatever ramifications came from losing this treasured friend.
So at naptime on Father's day his last bubba went in a box and was sent to babyland. He cried in his bed for an hour and a half before falling asleep. Fortunately he has taken naps and fallen asleep without his soother all week.
I was worried we were going to have to sign him up for PA ("Pacifiers Anonymous") but it looks like he wasn't as addicted as we thought.
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Cathy said...

Give that big boy a kiss from his Nana--she is so proud of him. I know how hard it must have been for him. Swimming and paci in one summer--wow!

Christina said...

i am impressed! i know he loved that bubba. my cut off for makenna is at 2 years and I don't know if it will happen.

Price Family said...

Way to go Quade!!