Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Infant Survival Swimming

Our summer, so far, has been pretty laid back. The main thing we have been doing is swim lessons. Not your run-of-the-mill lessons, mind you...these are infant survival swim lessons. Bruce found out about this lady (Bev Steinfink, Aquatots, through a work friend of his.

We have been going 4 days a week for 10 minutes each kid, each day. Both quade and price go and are one-on-one with Bev. I have been sitting on the side of the pool biting my nails! It's stressful!

She basically is teaching them to swim, then float on their backs and then swim. For Price, he had to learn to float and to find the surface from being on his face (flip-over).
Well, after 9 classes Price had his "check-out" where he was fully clothed and she simulated him falling in the water. I taped the lesson for you and a clip is forewarned it may be difficult to watch.


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

I don't know how you sit there for 20 minutes each day watching that. I guess you know they are supervised and she won't let anything happen. It would be so stressful. Way to go Price!

Tracy said...

Hooray Price, and Mom. :) I'm sure it's hard to watch your little guy struggling - but REWARDING to see him flip over and breathe!! That's why you did it, right? SO cool to know that your boys have a fighting chance if the unthinkable happens. Way to choose "good for them" over comfortable!

Christina said...

how on earth did u watch that! how traumatic and really great all at the same time

Price Family said...

I want to do this with Zachary so bad but there aren't any instructors in this area. Price is doing so well and this will be such a rewarding experience. The video was a little hard to watch but very neat that he learned this so quickly. Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

WOW! That is totally amazing and such a great safeguard! Way to go!

Melissa said...

That is amazing! wow... i have never heard of that before-

tiffanie said...

eek! i bet he wasn't too happy after drinking all that pool water! i can't imagine being the one responsible to teach that class. yikes!

Janel said...

Scarey!!!! That is pretty impressive that he can do that though!