Friday, September 7, 2007

The process 101

We got to the hospital around 10:30pm Friday night. She checked me and i was still only 1 cm dialated. Sooo they had us walk the halls for a little over an hour to see if my contractions got stronger and i dialated more.

She (nurse Ginger) checked me at 12:30 and i was still a 1 (with a little wiggle room). She called they doctor and they were going to send me home with some tylenol with codeine and a sleeping pill.
However, while she was talking to the doctor i had a super strong contraction that ended up breaking my water. when Ginger came back in i mentioned that i had a sharp pain and didn't know if my water broke (i feel like the boy who cried wolf in the "water breaking" department).
She didn't really say anything so i didn't push it. When she came back in again i had moved and felt a lot of "gushing". Bruce checked me and "didn't know what to look for". I had Ginger check and she did the amniotic test and sure enough...ruptured membranes (aka "broken water").
Unfortunately it was tinged green which means it has meconium in it, which means baby Price decided to take his first poo poo while still in my uterus.

Needless to say we are NOT going home now to take a nap. We're here for good. I now have a catheter in my uterus to flush saline in and "thin out the meconium". I also am hooked up to an IV. (i forgot how much i hate that part).

Anyway...that's all for now. I'm sure no one is even awake right now (except Christy in Norway) to read this entry. so by the time you are crawling out of bed on your relaxing saturday morning Price could have made his appearance.

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